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Coach Supervision Membership

Connecting coaching theory and practice


1st Tuesday of the month (except August)

4 - 5.30pm

Supervision is a fundamentally important part of conducting oneself professionally as a coach. Supervision is an in-depth reflective process facilitated by an experienced coach for the benefit of both novice coaches and experienced coaches engaging in continued personal and professional development.

The hardest thing to attend to is that which is closest to ourselves, that which is most constant and familiar. And this closest “something” is, precisely, ourselves, our own habits and ways of doing things.

John Dewey

Supervision provides a powerful space for the supervisee(s) to explore and transform several aspects of their work, client situations, relationships and ethical dilemmas; bringing profound personal and professional benefit to the supervisee, as well as their clients, organisation and practice as a whole.


The role of the supervisor is to highlight biases, blind spots and predjudices that may be limiting the perception of the supervisee.

Supervision helps to surface the limiting mindsets, assumptions and distractions that may be preventing the supervisee from being fully present to their client, holding them back from being bold or resulting in leading behaviours that preclude true partnering with clients.

In developing as a coach, we need to develop a deep understanding of ourselves. Who are we; our histories, our narratives and our bias and prejudices. What are our strengths, our limitations, our blind spots. Only through reflective practice can we fully become.

Alison Hardingham

Supervision links the competencies taught during coach training with the challenges of coaching in practice when working in a variety of situations and circumstances. In times of significant change, supervision supports coaches to grow their capacity to embrace complexity and work with difficult emotions. It supports the supervisee to deepen co-creative dialogues, expand ethical maturity and explore new ways of thinking and being.​

​Together, the supervisor and supervisee(s) take a systemic approach in order to better understand the client, client system, client-coach system and wider contexts within which the coaching work is taking place.

The Balanceology Coach Supervision Membership Programme has been put together by the UK’s leading Executive Burnout Coach, Jayne Morris ICF MCC. Jayne is the author of Burnout to Brilliance: Strategies for Sustainable Success.

With over 15 years’ experience specialising as a burnout prevention and recovery coach, one of the most powerful forms of continued personal and professional development that I have invested in as a coach is ongoing supervision.

Burnout has reached unprecedented levels. Recent studies indicate that close to 50% of all workers in the UK, USA and Europe are on the brink of burnout and, for C-suite executives, the figure is a staggering 70%. Inevitably this means that burnout is finding its way into the coaching space.

As a coach supervisor, I offer my clients significant burnout knowledge and experience. I am the author of Burnout to Brilliance: Strategies for Sustainable Success and former resident life coach for NHS Online Health Sector. I am the current Resident Mental Health Expert & Forum Moderator for Remote, global HR specialists.

I am highly skilled in the following areas and can help you to deepen the integration of these into your practice:

Burnout Prevention and Recovery Coaching

Somatic Coaching

Creative Coaching with Integrative Art Modalities

NLP Coaching

Transactional Analysis

in Coaching




Meditation and Guided Visualisation

Intention of Supervision

Our intention in offering supervision as part of this course is to deepen the integration of your learning by providing a safe space for you to reflect on your own practice.


If you are an executive coach, HR professional or leader as coach and you are encountering burnout presenting either in your private practice, internal work or external offerings, then it is imperative that you:


Equip yourself with sufficient knowledge, understanding and recognition of the complex contributing factors that can culminate in the experience of burnout.


Know how to signpost when your client brings mental or physical health issues into the coaching space that are beyond your capabilities and /or the professional boundaries of your ethical code of conduct as a coach


Have a formal and protected space to continuously develop and deepen your competencies as a coach


Critically self-reflect and have the opportunity to have your thinking challenged in a caring, compassionate and considered way


Understand the importance of self-sourcing and identify how to do this for yourself in a practical sense



It is an ethical responsibility on our part as coaches, to find an effective way to reflect on our practice - a small closed group of coaches is often a powerful approach to being the best version of ourselves for clients, to reflect on our clients & ensure we have restored & resourced ourselves. Anyone considering working with Jayne in this way will experience the true power of the supervisory space,

Diane Hanna

Supervision sessions with Jayne are powerful and help to propel me forwards. They include a mixture of different tools and help me overcome any challenges I am facing. I leave feeling re-energised, re-resourced and with a stronger sense that “I can do this!”. I certainly recommend to coaches wanting improved clarity, deeper trust in themselves and a greater degree of balance.

Graham Wright

Working with Jayne is nourishing, fulfilling and a genuine pleasure. I felt endlessly surprised; to be gifted the chance of working together on such gnarly subjects, to remind myself that there are answers - or at least better questions - already in my body if not my awareness, and to be able to share fascinated enthusiasm for such compelling work. Jayne is so incredibly generous with her knowledge and experience, and I feel rejuvenated and inspired after every session - no matter how apprehensive or uncertain I had felt showing up.

Roz Coleman

It is important to me to feel supported and have coaching supervision to talk through any coaching challenges or concerns. I come away from sessions with Jayne feeling motivated and more confident in my abilities. I would recommend her to any coach wanting to take a more holistic/somatic approach.

Ieva Eksts

Open Supervision Membership

A supportive space to check-in, connect with other like-minded coaches, explore ethical dilemmas, discuss and gain coaching around challenges, be held accountable in taking action towards goals and celebrate successes with a group of likeminded individuals.

Select the plan that works best for you

  • Monthly

    Valid for one month
  • Quarterly

    Valid for 3 months
  • Annual

    Valid for 12 months

Looking for Closed Supervision? Please contact us for more information.

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